For many, one key element of a school year has been looking forward to field trips. Field trips offer a chance for children to spend time out of the classroom, explore the local area, and expand on the curriculum beyond just books and videos.
As you seek out preschool options for your child, learn about the benefits of supervised field trips and how these trips will help with your child's development. When you enroll your child in a preschool program, you will learn exactly where the field trips will take them and how they tie into a child's learning.
While field trips are properly supervised by a trained staff, the experience will still give your child an opportunity to grow independently. A field trip allows a child to explore and see places that are not just in the family vehicle or with parents. While parents may have a say for most outings, children could experience more choices and options when on a trip.
For example, you may give a child some money to spend in a gift shop or for food. A child will learn how to properly budget the money, choose what to spend, and make independent choices. This will only help them build confidence as they grow older and need to make more decisions on their own.
By visiting locations and exploring different elements, students have a chance to find out their favorite interests. A single field trip could have an impact that lasts a lifetime. For example, a field trip to a live orchestra could encourage a child to go into a career in music. A field trip to a dairy farm may encourage them to become a farmer or work with animals.
Seeing something in real life has a bigger impact than it would from a book or a video. The more a child gets the opportunity to explore and have these experiences, the more they can find new interests, hobbies, and passions. The hands-on learning element will give them a true idea of what the experience is like.
After a field trip, you have the opportunity to expand on their interest and invest in these passions. You could take a child back to the same location or find similar places to visit that apply to the same interests. You could purchase kits or activities at home that will expand on the various activities the child saw while they were on their field trip.
A child may be comfortable inside a classroom interacting with the same teachers and students regularly. When a child goes on a field trip, they have a chance to expand their social skills and interactions. A child may meet a tour guide. Through a tour guide, a child could ask questions, learn, and have positive interactions throughout the day.
The social skills they build will help create a foundation that lasts for years to come and expand with any future trips they take. Even if a child is not interacting themselves, they will see others in the real world and have a better understanding of society. A field trip to a business, factory, or other location can showcase the workers and how everyday people interact.
Contact us at Northern Lights Preschool & Child Care to find out more information on our program, including the possible field trips we will provide for your children. We have provided field trips in the Alaska area for years and given children amazing memories through these excursions and fun adventures. We look forward to seeing you soon!